Castles in My Mind

I realize I have been sharing my personal essays a lot lately, but yesterday I had the blessing to read another writer’s blog. Her words touched me deeply. I have never read someone else’s words that described my last seven years as much as hers did. She captured every feeling I have experienced and she was able to do that with a brief, but compelling, beautiful poem. She gave me permission to share it with the rest of you; I really hope you will enjoy her artistry as much I have and that her words might resonate with you on some level as well.


Inspiration struck early this morning driving me from my sleep and directly to my computer. I had no idea what was buzzing in me to get out but I just knew something was there. I settled down in the peace and quiet of a new day in this New Year and opened to a blank page. Immediately I was a witness to what my fingers typed. Words were dictated through me. It was one of those magical moments when I truly felt like a vessel and I was happy to be at least cognizant to realize that what was happening was because of something bigger than me. It is a haunting reveal that has come from somewhere deep and wide. I wasn’t going to post this but then I changed my mind and so here it is:

I hold the key but you hold the door.
Which gets me the freedom…

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